

In equipment used in chain surveying,we details discuss about surveying chain, types of chain- revenue chain, gunter’s chain, engineer’s chain, metric chain, suitability of chain, unsuitability of chain, units of measurement, tapes-cloth or linen tape, metallic tape, steel tape, invar tape, pegs, arrows, ranging rods, offset rods, plumb bob, clinometer, cross-staff, optical square, prism square, chain survey instruments, distance measuring device, instruments used for various types of measurement

In levelling, we are details discuss about elevation & altitude, reduced level, mean sea level, bench marks(B.M), horizontal line, vertical line, level line, back sight reading, fore sight reading, intermediate sight reading, method to find reduced level, height of instrument, rise and fall method, inverted staff, correction required in levelling work, distance of visible horizon, reciprocal leveling, collimation error, angular / inclination error, sensitivity of bubble tube, the sensitivity of level tube increases with?.

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