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Civil Engineering

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Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest Engineering Mechanics Notes? If yes, then you are on the right platform. 12 Chapter Covered in this Notes.

Building Materials Notes Pdf by Jaspal Sir, This Notes content is beneficial to civil engineers of BTech. It helps to qualify for SSC JE, GATE, IES  & Other Government Exams.

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Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest Engineering Mechanics Notes? If yes, then you are on the right platform. 12 Chapter Covered in this Notes.

Building Materials Notes Pdf by Jaspal Sir, This Notes content is beneficial to civil engineers of BTech. It helps to qualify for SSC JE, GATE, IES  & Other Government Exams.

Pavement is a load-bearing & load-distributing component of a road. We need to consider all types of vehicles for the geometrical design, but only vehicles with significant heavy loads are considered for pavement design. These vehicles are generally commercial vehicles. As per IRC, vehicles having a gross load greater than 3 tons are called commercial vehicles.

Unsteady flow also called 'Transient Flow', occurs in the open channel when the discharge or depth or both vary with respect to time at a given section.

Open Channel Flow ✓

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Surveying ✓

In special instrument, we detailed discuss about hand leveling, abney level, indian pattern clinometer, ceylon ghat tracer, sextant, site square, mining dial, brunton’s compass, pantagraph, eidograph.

A theodolite is an important instrument used for measuring horizontal and vertical angles in surveying. The system of surveying in which the angles (both horizontal & vertical) are measured with the help of a theodolite, is called Theodolite surveying.

Highway Engineering

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Soil Mechanics

Water present in the soil in any form is termed soil water. Many types of sοil water: Ground (Free, Gravity) water, Capillary water, Structural water, and Adsorbed water.

The various techniques for determining the water content of soil are as follows: Oven Drying Method, Sand Bath Method, Alcohol Method, Pycnometer Method, Calcium Carbide or Moisture Meter Method, Radiation Method, and Torsional Balance Method.

Water content (w):It is define as the weight of water to the weight of solids present in the given soil mass. Moisture content (m): It is define as the mass of water to the mass of solids present in the given soil mass. The  result of water content & moisture content are same .

Soil is a three-phase system that consists of solid, liquid & gaseous matter, that do not occupy separate spaces, but are blended with each other in a definite proportion, which in turn governs the properties 0f soil.

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