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Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest handwritten Estimation Costing and Valuation PDF Notes? If yes, then you are on the right platform. Total 6 Chapter Covered in this Notes.
Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest handwritten CPM & PERT notes? If yes, then you are on the right platform. Total 6 Chapter Covered in this Notes.
Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest Design of Steel Structures PDF Notes? If yes, then you are on the right platform. 10 Chapter Covered in this Notes.
Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest handwritten Reinforced Cement Concrete Notes? If yes, then you are on the right platform.
Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest handwritten Estimation Costing and Valuation PDF Notes? If yes, then you are on the right platform. Total 6 Chapter Covered in this Notes.
Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest handwritten CPM & PERT notes? If yes, then you are on the right platform. Total 6 Chapter Covered in this Notes.
Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest Design of Steel Structures PDF Notes? If yes, then you are on the right platform. 10 Chapter Covered in this Notes.
Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest handwritten Reinforced Cement Concrete Notes? If yes, then you are on the right platform.
Tacheometry (Tacheometer, Stadia Rod, Theory of Tacheometer, Distance and Elevation Through Tacheometer, Etc)
In tacheometry we details discuss about tacheometry, instrument used in tacheometry, tacheometer, stadia rod, stadia system, fixed hair system, movable hair system, tangential system, subtense bar system, theory of tacheometer, distance and elevation through tacheometer when a staff is vertical & staff is perpendicular to line of sight.
In curve we details discuss about curve, type of curve, basic definitions of curve, elements of circular curve, apex distance, chainage of tangent points, intermediate chord length.
Setting Out Of Circular Curve (Linear Method -Offsets From Long Chord, Angular Method, Etc)
In setting out of circular curve we details discuss offsets from long chord, offset from tangent, offset from chord produced in linear method & tape & theodolite/rankine method / tangential / deflection angles, two theodolite method, tachometer method in angular method.
Theory of Errors (Type of Error, Law’s of Weights, Probable Error, Error In Computed Result)
In theory of errors we details discuss theory of errors, occurrence of error, type of error, gross errors or mistakes, systematic or cumulative errors, accidental or random errors, precision, accuracy, true value, true error, most probable value (M.P.V), principle of least square, residual error, law’s of weights, probable error, error in computed result.
Test of specific gravity can be computed using 50 ml density bottle,500ml flask or pycnometer. Density bottle method is accurate & suitable for all soil.
Interrelationship Between the Properties of Soil | Properties of Soil | Soil Mechanics
Interrelationship Between Voids ratio (e), Water Content (w), Specific Gravity (G), Degree of Saturation(s), Dry Unit Weight ,Unit Weight of Water, etc
Relative compaction is defined as the ratio of the dry unit weight of soil in the natural state to the dry unit weight of soil in the densest state. it can applied for both cohesionless &cohesive soil.
It is defined as the ratio of the difference between the void ratio of soil in the loosest state & natural state to the difference in the void ratio of soil in the loosest state & densest state.