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Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest handwritten Surveying & Engineering Geology Notes ? If yes, then you are on the right platform.
Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest handwritten Engineering Hydrology Notes ? If yes, then you are on the right platform. A total 7 chapters are covered in these notes.
Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest handwritten Open Channel Flow notes? If yes, then you are on the right platform. Total 6 Chapter Covered in this Notes.
Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest handwritten Irrigation Engineering Notes? If yes, then you are on the right platform. Total 11 Chapter Covered in this Notes.
Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest handwritten Surveying & Engineering Geology Notes ? If yes, then you are on the right platform.
Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest handwritten Engineering Hydrology Notes ? If yes, then you are on the right platform. A total 7 chapters are covered in these notes.
Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest handwritten Open Channel Flow notes? If yes, then you are on the right platform. Total 6 Chapter Covered in this Notes.
Hello, Engineers! Are you searching for the latest handwritten Irrigation Engineering Notes? If yes, then you are on the right platform. Total 11 Chapter Covered in this Notes.
Open channel flow refers to the flow of liquid in channel open to atmosphere or in partially filled conduit (Pipe). Example- River, Flood, Rivulets, Torrent, Sewers carrying sewage, Rode side Gutter. Detailed discuss about OCF.
A flow in an open channel is said to be uniform if its properties remain constant with respect to space. Detailed discussion about Uniform Flow.
Energy depth relationship is the third chapter of the open channel flow. Detailed discussion about specific energy, critical depth, relationship between specific energy and depth of flow, section factor z, relation between discharge & depth of flow, channel transition.
The gradually varied flow (GVF) is defined as steady non- uniform flow, where the depth of flow varies gradually from section to section along the length of channel. (A steady non-uniform flow in a prismatic channel with gradual changes in its water surface elevation is termed as gradually varied flow (GVF).
In fundamentals of surveying (part-1), we details analysis about surveying, classification of survey, principal of surveying, instruments used for various types of measurement.Etc
In fundamentals of surveying (part-2), we details analysis about plan & map, scale, representation of scale- engineer’s scale, representation fraction (rf), graphical scale. Shrinkage factor or shrinkage ratio, error due to shrinkage of map, error due to wrong measuring scale, type of scales- plane scale, diagonal scale, vernier scale (direct vernier, retrograde vernier, extended vernier, double vernier).
In liner measurements,we details discuss about procedure in chain surveying,basic definition of chain surveying- main station, tie station, main survey line, tie line/ subsidiary line, base line, check line/ proof line, offset, chainage, well conditioned triangle.Correction in chaining,limiting length of offsets.
In equipment used in chain surveying,we details discuss about surveying chain, types of chain- revenue chain, gunter’s chain, engineer’s chain, metric chain, suitability of chain, unsuitability of chain, units of measurement, tapes-cloth or linen tape, metallic tape, steel tape, invar tape, pegs, arrows, ranging rods, offset rods, plumb bob, clinometer, cross-staff, optical square, prism square, chain survey instruments, distance measuring device, instruments used for various types of measurement
Pavement is a load-bearing & load-distributing component of a road. We need to consider all types of vehicles for the geometrical design, but only vehicles with significant heavy loads are considered for pavement design. These vehicles are generally commercial vehicles. As per IRC, vehicles having a gross load greater than 3 tons are called commercial vehicles.
The basic objective of traffic engineering is to achieve free & rapid flow of traffic with least no of accidents. For this various studies are carried out. These studies are divided into- Traffic Characteristics, Traffic Studies and Analysis, Traffic Control Regulation.
Geometric Design of Highway Geometric Design of a highway deals with all the dimensions and layout of visual features of a highway such that it
The process of conveyance from one point to another is termed transportation. In this article, we elaborate on the first chapter of Highway Engineering in detail.
Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Soils | Properties of Soil | Soil Mechanics
Liquid limit of inorganic soil not of volcanic organic rarely has a value greater 100 %. Organic soil has a generally high value of liquid limit (liquid limit>50%) but their plastic limit is also comparatively high, hence their plastic index values are not as high as its liquid limit.
The soil which shows a large decrease in its volume due to an increase in its water content without any increase in external pressure or load is termed as collapsible soil. Ex- Loess soil, Sand Dunes, Fine sand & Silt silty cemented due to the presence of calcium. And the properties of collapsible soil is called collapsibility.
Sensitivity is defined as the ratio of Unconfined Compressive Strength in an undisturbed natural state to Unconfined Compressive Strength of soil in the remolded state.
Consistency Index, Liquidity Index & Toughness Index | Properties of Soil | Soil Mechanics
Consistency Index is defined as the ration of the difference of liquid limit and natural water content to the plasticity index. Toughness Index is a ratio of IP & IF.