The soil which shows a large decrease in its volume due to increase in its water content without any increase in external pressure or load are termed as collapsible soil. Ex- Loess soil, Sand Dunes, Fine sand & Silt silty cemented due to the presence of calcium. And the properties of collapsible soil is called collapsibility.
Collapsibility of the soil is measured in term of the parameter collapse potential (Cp).
Collapse potential is defined as ratio of decrease in volume of soil to it original volume with increase in water content.
\(C_p\)=Collapse potential.

All collapsible soil are characterized with bulky coarse grained soil loosely held by capillary force.
Subject | Soil Mechanics |
Unit | Soil Formation & Properties of Soil |
Topic | Collapsibility |
Next Topic | Difference Between Organic and Inorganic Soils |
Previous Topic | Sensitivity, Thixotropy & Activity |