Type of Soil
There are many types of soil. Examples – Alluvial soil, Lacustrine soil, Marine soil, Aeolian soil, Glacial soil, Colluvial soil, Loess soil, Marl soil & others.
Alluvial soil
It is the soil that is deposited from suspension in running water, weathering is physically, found along the banks of rivers. It is transported by soil and transported by water.
Lacustrine soil
It is the soil which is deposited from suspension in fresh, still water of the lake. It is transported sοil.
Marine soil
It is the soil which is deposited from seawater.
Aeolian soil
It is the soil that is transported by blowing wind. it is also called Sand Dunes soil.
Glacial soil
It is the soil that is transported by ice.
Colluvial soil
It is formed due to transported soil. It is also called Talus soil.

Loess soil
It is uniformly graded wind blows silt, slightly cemented by calcium compound or Montmorillonite: It is also termed as Collapseable soil.
Marl soil
It is fine-grained calcium carbonate soil of marine origin that is formed due to the decomposition of plants and bones of animals.
Tuff soil
It is fine-grained slightly cemented volcanic ash transported by wind or water.
Bentonite soil
It is chemically weathered volcanic ash. It consists of a high degree of montmorillonite. It is highly plastic, highly shrinkage & swelling, and has low shear strength. It is used as a lubricant.
Black cotton soil
It is residual soil formed from basalt & has an excess of montmorillonite. It is dark in color & is suitable for growing cotton.
Laterine soil
It is the type of soil formed due to leaching (washing out of silicious compounds & deposition of Fe2o3 & Al2o3). It is found in hilly areas.
It is a mixture of fine particles in inorganic soil & black decomposed organic matter. It is found in marshy/swampy/after the overflow of the river.
Peat soil
It is highly organic soil that almost entirely consists of black decomposed vegetative matter in different stages. It is highly fibrous and compressible.
Cumulose soil
Muck soil +Peat soil = Cumulose soil.
Loam soil
It is a mixture of clay, sand, and silt.
Gumbo soil
It is back, sticky highly plastic soil.
Subject | Soil Mechanics |
Unit | Soil Formation & Properties of Soil |
Topic | Types of Soil |
Next Topic | Phase Diagram of Soil |
Previous Topic | Formation of Soil |