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Civil Engineering

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Geometric Design of Highway Geometric Design of a highway deals with all the dimensions and layout of visual features of a highway such that it

The process of conveyance from one point to another is termed transportation. In this article, we elaborate on the first chapter of Highway Engineering in detail.

Liquid limit of inorganic soil not of volcanic organic rarely has a value greater 100 %. Organic soil has a generally high value of liquid limit (liquid limit>50%) but their plastic limit is also comparatively high, hence their plastic index values are not as high as its liquid limit.

The soil which shows a large decrease in its volume due to an increase in its water content without any increase in external pressure or load is termed as collapsible soil. Ex- Loess soil, Sand Dunes, Fine sand & Silt silty cemented due to the presence of calcium. And the properties of collapsible soil is called collapsibility.

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Highway Engineering

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Soil Mechanics

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