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Liquid Limits are defined as the minimum water content at which soil has a tendency to flow. At liquid limit soil passes liquid state of consistency to plastic state of consistency & visa-versa.
Consistency of Soil is the relative ease with which soil can be deformed. It is used generally for fined-grained soil-related large water content.
Particle Size Distribution Curve | Properties of Soil | Soil Mechanics
The result of the particle size distribution analysis is reported in the form of a curve termed as particle size distribution curve. in which % finer is expressed on Y- axis &size of particle is expressed on X- axis on log scale. This curve helps in analysis the type of soil & gradation of soil.
Particle Size Distribution | Properties of Soil | Soil Mechanics
Particle size distribution analysis or mechanical analysis is carried out in two systems: Sieve Analysis, Sedimentation Analysis. In Coarse Grained Soil : we study Gravel & Sand and In Fine Grained Soil: we study Silt & Clay.