Fundamentals Of Surveying


In equipment used in chain surveying,we details discuss about surveying chain, types of chain- revenue chain, gunter’s chain, engineer’s chain, metric chain, suitability of chain, unsuitability of chain, units of measurement, tapes-cloth or linen tape, metallic tape, steel tape, invar tape, pegs, arrows, ranging rods, offset rods, plumb bob, clinometer, cross-staff, optical square, prism square, chain survey instruments, distance measuring device, instruments used for various types of measurement

In theory of errors we details discuss theory of errors, occurrence of error, type of error, gross errors or mistakes, systematic or cumulative errors, accidental or random errors, precision, accuracy, true value, true error, most probable value (M.P.V), principle of least square, residual error, law’s of weights, probable error, error in computed result.

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