ESE NOTES is a website dedicated to education. We hope that the information on this website will be useful to students and those preparing for competitive exams.
This educational website also aims to inform visitors who want to learn more about various subject areas. Finally, we hope that this website will aid readers in gaining a better understanding of the various topics.
Design of Horizontal Alignment: Various design element to be considered in the horizontal alignment are: Design speed Type and length of transition curve Width of
Curve: Curves are provided in highways in order that the change of direction at the intersection of straight alignments either in horizontal or vertical plane,
Intermediate sight distance (ISD): On a horizontal curve, the requirement of overtaking sight distance can not always be satisfied. In such cases overtaking is prohibited
Overtaking Sight Distance (OSD): Note: This topic is part of the second chapter of Highway Engineering. I suggest reading this topic in the context of